Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Character: Tasha
avenge_everyonePlayed: Nowhere
Note: The team responsible for the United States localization of this game riddled it with some great humor. Tasha gets a lot of the funniest lines.
Character: Waylon
waylon_on_youPlayed: Formerly
netherworld_rpgNote: I felt incredibly awkward hitting on the female characters with Waylon. He definitely has the goofiest speech patterns of any character I've played.
Code Geass
Character: Kallen Kouzuki/Stadtfeld
memento_edenNote: Kallen is my favorite character in my favorite fandom. Hence the three journals, though it's still half as many as Ethan has for Laharl.
Character: Kallen Kouzuki/Stadtfeld (AU)
guren_dancesPlayed: Formerly
srw_unlimitedNote: I was officially terrible at RPing missions in realtime. Since Japan couldn't be her homeland, this Kallen actually hailed from Thailand.
Character: Kallen Kouzuki/Stadtfeld
somariumNote: Among the three journal names for Kallen, this is my favorite. The writing sample I used for Somarium involved her playing tennis.
Character: Luciano Bradley (AU)
kingdoms_rpNote: Sometimes I wonder whether I'm botching the nuances in Bradley's voice, but then I remember the insult "peasant monkey" and stop worrying about it.
Character: Lelouch vi Britannia
netherworld_rpgNote: This journal has probably been more active outside the Netherworld than inside of it. It's a weird fit any way you look at it.
Darker than Black
Character: Hei
pai_where_u_atPlayed: Nowhere
Note: For me, getting Hei's voice down has been close to impossible. Every thread I've done with him has been stunted and terrible.
Character: Gai Kurasawa
private_eye_gaiPlayed: Formerly
netherworld_rpgNote: It took a ludicrous amount of time for me to set up of this journal. 14 of the icons in this journal were made from cropped images and screenshots I found on Google.
Character: Hopper (A Bug's Life)
oppresses_antsPlayed: Nowhere
Note: I'm not as ashamed of this journal as I should be. Did you know that Hopper was voiced by Kevin Spacey?
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
Character: Joshua
king_jehannaPlayed: Formerly
memento_edenNote: My very first RP journal. Joshua was at least ICly involved in a poker game before I stopped being active with him.
Fire Emblem: Tellius
Character: Tibarn
memento_edenNote: My longest running character to date. It took me a bit, but I'm now pretty comfortable with his voice.
Character: Jarod
fu_daeinPlayed: Nowhere
Note: Jarod was the first character I stuck in a musebox. The result? He was killed by two different characters, both played by the same person.
Character: Haar
idkmybffnapPlayed: Nowhere
Note: I'm considering Haar for RotIK, but he could be one of many fun Fire Emblem characters to app.
Tales of the Abyss
Character: Jade Curtiss
colonel_snarkyPlayed: Nowhere
Note: Playing Jade is almost therapeutic. His app for Memento Eden has been half-finished for months and months because I am too lazy to write the history.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Character: Anti-Spiral
forever_staticPlayed: Formerly
memento_edenNote: This journal is ugly in more ways than one. The high points include the interactions with Wesker and the personality switch event.