May 15, 2011 04:03
- I'm really curious how much hair product it takes to make your hair defy gravity like that? #eurovision
- Same question at jedward...with added wtf?!! #eurovision
- @ emmacurle probably be less painful! ;-) #eurovision
- @ emmacurle I'm not sure, but I think they were just upstaged by their shoulder pads! #eurovision
- @ emmacurle tell me about it, I feel like I've lost 20 years! #eurovision
- I picked italy in our sweepstake :-s yep, that about covers it #eurovision
- @ emmacurle DRINK!! *holds up rum & coke*
- well, I think I know where my vote's going. moldova ftw!!! #eurovision
- Isn't that the same guy who was singing for finland earlier?!! #eurovision
- Sod the Ukraine song. I'm more fascinated by the sand picture Ming the Merciless' sister is drawing in the background... #eurovision
- I want those earrings. I'll pass on the headbands tho... #eurovision
- Oh georgia, you just had to make it difficult for me didn't you? Do I vote for moldova or georgia now?!! #eurovision
- @ emmacurle moldova it is! A voted for georgia ;-)
- @ emmacurle hah, judging from my twitter & facebook feeds I think most of the UK is voting for moldova!
- Not impressed by the interval singers... They could at least have got rammstein :-/
- really uk? you voted for jedward?!! frankly that's just embarrassing. #eurovision
- hello sweden! #eurovision
- i take that back. go away sweden #eurovision
- has there been some kind of terrible tragedy in azerbaijan recently? are they getting the sympathy vote? what? #eurovision
- 6 points?! screw you ireland. #eurovision
- well at least azerbaijan can afford to host it next year. we do have the olympics coming up after all... #eurovision
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