Player Name: Higuchimon
Age: 39
Time Zone: EST
Characters Played: Marufuji Ryou
How long have you been roleplaying? About five or six years
Is there a style of writing or point of view that you prefer? Not really
Do you have any goals you wish to accomplish in this game? (i.e. Improving writing, making friends, experimenting with writing styles, etc.) I always want to improve my writing and I want to get a better grasp on my dialogue writing skills.
Any weird/interesting quirks, as a writer/roleplayer? I like to focus on the darker aspects of whatever I'm writing on and if I can somehow make it even darker, all the better.
Do you have any squicks or things you absolutely would not do with your character? Ryou's never going to assault anyone in any fashion, period. He will stomp them senseless in a duel, but he won't assault them. I will also *never* give him a problem-free life.
Are there any things in particular you want to explore with your character? I want to see if it's possible for him to be *mildly* social or at least interact with other people a little more. Given his focus on power and winning, it won't be easy, but I want to try.
What kind of themes/tropes interest you as a writer? Heel Face Turn/Face Heel Turn, More Than Mind Control, Brainwashed and Crazy, I Know You're In There Somewhere, Dark Is Not Evil, Light Is Not Good, Good Is Not Nice...I could go on a while.
Anything else we should know about you? I keep very strange hours so despite being on the East Coast, I'm usually up until dawn.
Character Name Marufuji Ryou
Canon: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Ryou has never shown for a moment that he notices *anyone* exists in a romantic fashion. For my own personal take on the matter, I think he'd probably be bisexual.
Relationship Status: Single
1. Is your character religious or believe in gods? Ryou doesn't really care about gods of any kind. So far as he's aware, they can't help him win duels so if they do exist, he doesn't worry himself about them.
2. How affectionate is your character/receptive to affection? Not very at all. He's not a very touch-y type person, even after having Fubuki for a best friend. The closest he's ever come to being openly affectionate to his younger brother was telling him that he'd improved as a duelist and to keep on doing so.
3. Bad habits Going to extremes. From respect to disrespect, not having yet reached the middle ground. Ryou focuses on what he wants to the exclusion of all else a lot too.
4. Biggest fear Losing duels again. Finding out that the path of power is the wrong one to achieve his goal. He wouldn't know what to do after that.
5. Biggest regret Not having learned he wanted power sooner.
6. Your character has three wishes. What do they wish for? Why? 1. The power to win duels. 2. The power to win duels. 3. The power to win duels.
He's a little focused like that. Really, though, there's not much else that he would want.
7. Name something your character would never do. He'd never assault someone else or let himself be assaulted. He'd also never cheat in a duel or physically tear up a card.
8. What would be the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to your character?
Well, that's not easy, given that to really be embarassed, you have to give a damn about other people's opinions and Ryou doesn't. But I think if he had to live inside Fubuki's skin for ten minutes, that's as close as it could come for him. Or worse, watch Fubuki live in his skin for ten minutes.
9. Name up to five superpowers you wish your character could have, and explain why.
1. The power to control and manipulate ice. He's very cold by nature anyway and it seems like a natural extension of his personality.
2. The ability to see at least one duel spirit (based on his deck, probably Cyber Dragon or Cyber Phoenix). Having a friend in his deck could help him immensely, I think.
10. What kind of deity would you like your character to encounter, and why?
See Deities for more information.
Here is another list of deities. Susano-o-no-mikoto. The two of them would have so much in common, given how they appear to be both good and evil and will help people in one moment and turn on them the next.