Here's a meme borrowed from
Ask me to take a picture of any aspect of my life that you're interested in/curious about and I will post it here!
(Click me if you need suggestions) In other news,
Sandpiper is calling again.
I cracked up when I got him:
Sandpiper: Supervisah? What's your name?
Me: My name is Eric.
Sanpiper: Ahh! My name is Sandpipah!
Me: *snicker, choke* Hello Sandpiper!!
Sandpiper: Good luck!
Me: Right back at you!
Oh man. Ben, Joe, and I came up with the theory that he's some minor celebrity comedian (possibly Jon Lovitz) who calls in when he's drunk just to get his kicks. Either that, or he's a crazy who thinks he's a super-spy (hence the cryptic messages and his use of random payphones).