Have I expressed my annoyance that the new Last.fm tracks on my profile page have not updated in two weeks since I first put them up?
This week has been a busy week so far. I went through the whole business of planning, attempting, failing, and finally buying a cell phone on Saturday before my shift. Sunday I had the day off, but it was the Blade the series marathon on Spike, so I ended up watching that most of the day and catching up on sleep for the rest. I didn't get any sleep Sunday night (no doubt as a result of sleeping during the day) and got up the next morning with big black bags under my eyes. Monday I had a midterm, which I was foolish enough to "forget" to study for Sunday. I got 78% on it-- I would have gotten 108% (there was a bonus question) if only I'd have taken the time to study properly. Then I had work in the afternoon-- picked up work on the webpage again. I'm currently working on the relay section, which I may have to separate into multiple pages due to the massive amount of training material I'm trying to distill. I've already completed the essentials for it, but I want to have a complete draft before I finish the frontpage doc and move on to something else. Monday was also crazy busy at work, it being the 31st and all the crazy people who put off paying their phone bills calling in to complain about the wait time for customer service. I think I wrote up something like four complaints/customer contacts (which is a lot, given that I think I usually average about two a week). I slept well Monday night and woke up entirely zombified this morning. I don't think I woke up until about halfway through class, and only momentarily when I was put on the spot and had to answer a question. Work tonight has been almost as busy as yesterday, but the customers have been pretty easygoing. I spent the first five hours of my shift working on the webpage while taking calls and got quite a bit done.
Next day off is Friday. I may just end up taking it easy and renting a bunch of movies.
My new cell phone-- it's still in the mail. Yay.