Well I'm back from America and I have about 10 days 'till school starts again. Lots of work to do... eventually. Didn't get any writting done, hope to rectify this soon. Rather jet lagged but never mind, I'll just be up until 5am or some such. >
well here i am in florida. Its hot the beach is nice the food is great. Hope everyone is coping without me ^^. Its cool here but I'm looking forward to easy computer acess back home as well. c ya ^^ Cyc
Well I'm back and about to be off again. I'm going to America later in the week possibly thursday possibly later. Should be fun none the less v tired. No time for writing now I have school work to do >
Well I'm away for two weeks come tuesday and plan to do much much writting ^^. Oh and some Psychology coursework, mabey, possibly... o.k I have no intention of working but still, plenty of time yet.
*Sighs* back to school tomorrow with AS levels to look forward to. I've just finished my Biology corsework and am very peeved about the end of my hols, bah! I am very very very cross, school sucks.
Up to my British arse in coursework and mock AS levels yet still I write in my frees lessons instead of working, what am I doing now? Putting off Biology coursework, it is heck (which is a place for people who don't believe in gosh ;-}) Still never-mind, I'll get around to it... eventually... no worries right?
O.k about three weeks until I have to give in my coursework and I haven't even started, instead of using my free periods like a sensible cyc I've been writing yet another mammoth LOTR fanfic... trouble is I can't seem to care that much... oh well, I'll just have to knuckle down over half term I guess. ;-}