wow - i just checked and I haven't posted anything of substance since the middle of January - I am sooooo overdue for an update - so here it is.
I've been extremely busy this whole time between school and work and kid and boyfriend and other stuff.
Katie's doing great - growing fast - started back to school this week. We went to Florida to visit my folks in June - just me and Katie for the first time ever - and we had a really great time. We went to Seaworld, which was expensive, but really cool, and in my opinion was worth the money - she really loves water animals. She also had a 5 week stay with her dad in Chicago, which gave me a much needed break (except for all the babysitting we did for my sister). Things are back to normal now.
The new place is working out great - except for the cockroach problem we had. We had an infestation of big black Oriental cockroaches - or, as many people like to call them, waterbugs. It took us months to eradicate them, and finally they are gone as of about a month ago. They were living it up on the side of my house, and liked to explore a little too much inside the house, and in my bed, and on me while I was asleep - i went through periods where I couldn't sleep for nights on end until the sun started to come up - it sucked balls. Thank Pete that's over!
On the relationship front, I am still with the same guy I started seeing back in January - and it's fabulous. Marty and I get along perfectly, and we're happy as clams. He officially moved in with me in February, and he's an excellent roommate, in addition to being an excellent boyfriend. His parents are nice, and I think they're adjusted to the idea of him being with someone like me (older, divorced, with a kid). I just had my 33rd birthday on August 1st, and he will turn 25 in November. But being with my best friend is seriously the most amazing thing I've ever experienced - it has completely changed my entire outlook on life.
School is going very well, too. I'm in the home stretch, now - set to graduate next June. The class I took this summer was 'life drawing', more commonly known as figure drawing. I haven't really done any drawing since my first year, and I was a little scared about how it would turn out - but apparently i'm good at it :) I got my grade today - a 'B' - and the only reason it wasn't an 'A' is because I blew off 3 homework assignments and missed 3 classes, and didn't do the required make-up drawing - which is fine with me - I just wanted to pass. That's one more requirement don't have to worry about - it's done - yay! I But it's going to be a tough year with all the crap i still have to take.
On the pet front - I have 2 more parakeets - for a total of 4 now, and 1 less ferret. Gizmo's adrenal gland disease got to be too much for me to handle, so i called a rescue shelter (probably was the same one he came from) and they retrieved him from me. She said she has several other ferrets with the disease and the medicine to treat him, so hopefully that is going well. I also gave Katie's rat back to the previous owner because he wasn't getting enough attention. And - Marty and I have been discussing getting a puppy. My landlord has given us the go-ahead, so all that remains is waiting - until I graduate - because I'm NOT going to try dealing with a puppy while I'm still doing school. So next year, we will be getting a miniature schnauzer if all works out. Yay!
I also have a renewed obsession with sports. Last year our Bengals seriously had a good year, finally, since before I left high school, and I'm back to keeping tabs on them religiously. Same goes for the Reds - finally good again for the first time in years, and when there was a time where I would go to at least one game nearly every single home stand, up until this year i hand't been to a ball game since 2000. This year I've been to 3, and have tickets for a 4th, and I'm loving it. I'm even listening to the radio broadcasts of the games and to sports talk. I'm also playing on a fantasy football league this year for the first time ever. I hope I don't suck - we had our draft yesterday and I failed to capture a single #1 wide receiver - though I did get Cadillac Williams (running back) AND my boy Carson Palmer (prays he does ok).
So, to recap - everything in my life has changed in the past 12 months - my car, my house, my significant other, my plans for the future, and my outlook on the world - and all have changed for the better :) The next year will bring more changes, as I finish school, start working full time, and start saving for our own house, and hopefully stop living like a pauper (though you wouldn't know it looking at our new mattress *hugs our Dormia*).