&Introductions are a Formality, darling

Jan 14, 2029 16:39

a wise man once said
we exist in a bizarre combination of stone age emotions
medieval beliefs & god like technology

Hi there, I'm Maddison. I usually go by Maddi, or just 'Moo' if you're feeling extra lazy.

Relevant facts

x. 18 years young
x. somewhat of a videogame nerd
x. bi-furious

Fandoms of the Now

I usually don't dabble in writing, but I'll occassionally have a fic on my list as a W.I.P.
They usually stay that way, though.

It Only Takes One Man to Lead an Army World of Warcraft Lor'themar/Vol'jin W.I.P
Kicking Horses on Broken Hills Dragon Age II MaleWarrior!Hawke/Rivalry!Anders/Friendship!Fenris W.I.P
Metamorphosis Skrillmau5 (Chapter Fic)
Sonny Moore/Joel Zimmerman

I don't fancy myself as much of anything, but if I had to tack my name onto a particular skill I wouldn't hesitate to stick it to my visual arts. Being self-taught with a few helpful nudges here and there, it's not the best work, but it's the one thing I'm eager to improve. I embrace all crit and encourage people to give me guidance.

Sometimes I'm up for requests, but like with everything else I'm prone to super procrastination.


bedamn is excellent in almost all things, you should check her out.

introductions, you rolling sixes?

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