Ficlet: HTLJ/XWP: Spoils of War

Feb 21, 2010 09:27

For rodlox in response to the drabble ficlet meme.

Title: Spoils of War
Fandom Hercules TJL/Xena WP
Request: Xena, Iolaus
Words: 289
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just passing through.

It was the last vessel standing. Every other piece of crockery, in addition to several benches, tables, and a large section of the western wall, had been broken or shattered into pieces. More importantly, the single unscathed clayware tankard was still brimming with the last of the inn's nutty brown ale.

Iolaus judged the distance between himself and the sagging bar. His blue eyes flicked across the room to check on the whereabouts of his partners.

Too close! he thought and made a dive for it.

"Oh no you don't!" Xena launched herself over the broken trestle table blocking her path, somersaulting to a perfect landing directly beside the blond warrior just as he reached for the prize.

"Hey! I saw it first," protested Iolaus as they jostled for position.

"But I earned it."

"Like Hades! I dropped six of those guys. You only got four."

"One was a Minotaur. He counts for two."

Iolaus frowned at the tankard. "We could share it."

Xena snorted. "Spoils of war," she said. "I'll flip you for it." She lifted two fingers, catching Iolaus' attention as she delved between the valley of her breasts. As if I'd actually keep money down there. "Heads or tails?" she asked innocently as his gaze followed. Just a moment's distraction was all she needed…

A single heavy footstep behind them was the only warning before a heavy hand fell on their respective shoulders.

"Tails," said Hercules. With the element of surprise, it took little effort to lift both Warrior Princess and Golden Hunter off of their feet and 'flip' them out of the way and onto their backsides.

"I win," the son of Zeus concluded with a grin as he claimed the tankard for himself.

meme; htlj fic

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