Title: Salt of the Earth
Fandom: The Dresden Files (TV-verse)
Characters: Bob, Harry
Word Count: 330
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
Note: Written for the "Salted Earth" challenge on DW's Musing_Way.
“Hells Bells!! I know it’s in here somewhere!”
Harry Dresden stood on his toes and tried to see the labels of the containers on the topmost shelf. The floor around him was littered with an assortment of Tupperware containers, plastic takeout cartons, and other second-hand vessels that he used to store his potion ingredients. Some were neatly labeled but most bore faded Post-it notes bearing his distinctive scrawl.
“Where the hell is it?!”
“If you’d taken the time to properly organize your laboratory in the first place, you would have been able to go directly to the ingredient without-“
“Not now, Bob!” Harry’s questing fingers bumped grabbed the first container that came within reach. “Saltpeter!” he cried in triumph.
“Oh yes. An excellent choice, if you intend to manufacture enough gun powder to blow yourself up. It will save you the final agony of the demon’s capturing you…”
“It’s got salt in it. That’s good enough for me!”
“Which is just one more reason why you failed chemistry at that expensive school your uncle sent you to. Saltpeter is potassium nitrate, not sodium chloride. It isn’t pure enough for the additional protective circle you will need to fashion-“ Bob glanced at a small, battered wind up alarm clock on the laboratory’s workbench. “--very soon. The sun will set in approximately sixteen minutes.”
“If you’ve got any other ideas, I’d love to hear it,” snapped Harry as he started to kick aside the containers on the floor, clearing the area around the silver circle inlaid into the concrete.
“You might consult Miss Morton on the matter.”
Harry stared at him blankly.
“Table salt, Harry,” said Bob pointedly.
“TABLE SALT!” cried the wizard, smacking himself in the forehead with the heel of his hand. “Thanks, Bob!” he threw over his shoulder as he sped off to the kitchen.
The ghost glanced at the chaotic clutter on the laboratory floor and sighed. “Really, it’s a wonder he’s survived this long…”