Title: Ghoulies and Ghosties Characters: Bob, young Harry Word Count: 393 Summary: Young Harry asks a time-honored question. Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
I have been obsessing longing for more of your Bob and Harry stories! Thank you! This is perfect! As always with your stories, I can really "hear" and "see" this happening between the two of them! :) This reminded me of a song that once was mentioned in relation of DF, I think its called goodnight demon slayer. It is a time honored question as you said! :) Sometimes I feel also that in those early days (and maybe even after WAB) Bob puts himself also in the 'monster' category, because even if he cares for Harry as a father, I think he is one who never will stop in his guilt about past and (in his mind) current bad deeds and doesnt believe that Harry sees him as a father figure and forgives him! Sorry for the rant, but this moments trigger those h/c feelings in me that drew me into this fandom and that I love how you can put it into so nice moments! Thanks!
Awesome! It is always a treat for me to pop into LJ and see a new story from you - and as always, you just made my day! This is really sweet and funny and adorable - and perfectly captures the seriousness by which young ones think about monsters in their room :)
And, of course, you NAILED the ending perfectly!!!!
Comments 4
And Bob is right, of course--even if he's not voicing his opinion. The only monster on the estate is Justin himself. No other monsters need apply.
I love that last line particularly, too. *grin* It's perfect.
This reminded me of a song that once was mentioned in relation of DF, I think its called goodnight demon slayer. It is a time honored question as you said! :)
Sometimes I feel also that in those early days (and maybe even after WAB) Bob puts himself also in the 'monster' category, because even if he cares for Harry as a father, I think he is one who never will stop in his guilt about past and (in his mind) current bad deeds and doesnt believe that Harry sees him as a father figure and forgives him! Sorry for the rant, but this moments trigger those h/c feelings in me that drew me into this fandom and that I love how you can put it into so nice moments! Thanks!
And, of course, you NAILED the ending perfectly!!!!
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