You know, for once, I would love to write an entry that doesn't make me sound depressed. The fact that I seem to get myself into stressful situation after stressful situation isn't helping my case of trying to prove that I'm not emo, (and neither does my current choice of music, but they're good, so get off my back). Even my staple cynicism is failing to defend me in this one. For all of you readers out there, keep in mind that this journal is merely a stress reliever, and that I am, in fact, keeping up hope that I'll get through these inconveniences.
So here I am in Santa Rosa, (or Cotati, whatever), hanging out with my high school peeps for a night of drinking, dancing, old Michael Jackson movies and other New Year festivities. (UPDATE: We never actually watched The Wiz, we just talked about it a lot.) I'm hanging out with a bunch of old friends, some I've known as long as twelve years. We are staying up and getting wasted, and I feel like I should be having the time of my life. Why is it that I wish I was spending the night at home? In all fairness, being at home would be shit, since I'd be spending yet another year probably playing board games with my parents, or maybe up in the bonus room playing Twilight Princess. Don't get me wrong, I love the Wii, but it's no way to ring in the new year. ("What did you do for New Year?" "I stayed at home and played with my Wii." Hooray for bad Wii innuendo.) Still, being here isn't all it's cracked up to be. I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe I just need to drink more. As it is, I feel like a seventh wheel with all of these couples around. Being single makes me realize how much I hate PDAs...they are nothing but a continual reminder of what I don't have. You never realize how annoying they are until you're on the outside looking in.
I used to think being the only sober person in a room full of drunk people was hilarious, but it's starting to be really boring. I've had three Parrot Bays and a Tilt, and I'm not feeling a thing, while everyone around me is staggering. On the other hand, being here is not without its high points. These guys are pretty funny when they're tanked, and it's nice to spend an evening with my good buddies that I never get to see anymore. Plus, at least I don't have the problem of being upset due to anyone's choice in significant other. Ed seems pretty cool, I've really enjoyed hanging out with Lauren, and I like Anita a lot. While I'm jealous of the affection and the love that they all have, I can't help hoping that it works out for all of them. Besides, I'm sure I'll have it someday as well, once I shut up and stop whining about it.
So the night got better as it wore on, and collapsed into the bunch of us lying in bed talking about how intense the night was and giggling about some pretty ridiculous stuff. I still never got really drunk, but it was fun nonetheless.
In the morning a few of my fellow partiers were craving breakfast so we went to a delicious omelette house in Santa Rosa and then went to see Andrew off as he packed up his stuff to move to Santa Cruz. During breakfast I found myself thinking about New Years resolutions. I've made them before but I'm not sure that I've ever kept them. This year, I want to. 2007 will mark my 21st year on this earth and I want to start taking responsibility and acting like more of an adult than I have been. The following is a list of New Years resolutions, and I will keep you updated on how well I do with each of them.
- Improve my general physical health
-- Eat healthier
-- Exercise more
-- Start eating breakfast regularly
-- Drink less (Which is funny, considering I'm turning 21 this year...)
- Improve my general emotional health
-- Stop worrying so much about not getting a date
-- Get a date (I crack myself up)
-- Learn to appreciate myself for who I am, and stop acting like a floozy just to get attention
- Get a job
- Pay off my debts
- Write a book
- Work on my spiritual life
- Stop cursing so much
- Start focusing more on schoolwork and less on being lazy
All right, that's about it for now. Catch you cats later. Oh, and Happy New Year.
RANDOM QUOTE OF THE DAY: (on Finding Nemo) I'm tearing up, and I'm like, 'It's a fish! It's a computer-animated fish!'" - Anthony
OTHER RANDOM QUOTE OF THE DAY: (extremely drunk) "I just want to let you guys know...bile does not taste very good." - Anthony