you know, religious relativism kind of bothers me. well, relativism in general bothers me a bit, and i'm guilty of it more often than i'd like to admit. though i've been unsure in my faith a lot, i try to stick with one to be unsure about. i think my weakness is i like people too much sometimes. of course, i dislike them too much sometimes also. there's this girl who works with me who is the practical embodiment of religious relativism. her favorite phrase is: "well, see, to ME *insert random element of belief here*." not that it's anything i should judge, but it annoys me. i just feel like telling her to pick one and that one has to take the bad with the good. i mean, no religion is going to be all sunshine and roses for all mankind. i guess she just puts a lot of stock in works-based righteousness.
and i don't know what it is, but for some reason i must be upsetting a lot of people with what i casually say with absolutely no intent of doing so. first the podhoretz comment (which has been settled and is over and done with now, thank God), now an email to my mom. i asked her what she meant by something and she said i shouldn't "start this again." start what? i honestly don't mean to cause half the upset i seem to lately.
ugh...well, till next i see you, Booster Gold and i bid you adieu...
(image from: gold and all related elements property of DC Comics.)
if there was ever a shitty comic book hero, old bg is one of em. (hope no one gets upset by my blatant judging of booster gold ^_<)