You've all seen the "what states have I visited" meme. I'm filling it out again strictly for my own personal use.
First we'll start with the 5 states that I have lived in.
Then we'll add in the states I have definitely spent at least one night in. This gets me up to 30.
Next I'll throw in the states that I've traveled through. I don't remember sleeping overnight in these ones, but I have definitely been there. This gets me to 37.
Now I'll add the states that I've definitely been in, but that I frankly don't remember due to being too young (New Mexico, Arizona) or having slept completely through them (Delaware). Now I'm up to 40 total states (out of 51, including D.C.), although frankly counting these three seems like cheating. So let's call it 37/51. Respectable, but not great.
Here are the 5 states that I am rock solid positive that I haven't visited.
Then I will add the last 6 states. I may have been in these when I was really young, or maybe I've never been there. I'll have to ask my parents. Either way, they, like Delaware, hardly count.
Clearly I need to take two road trips. The first will take me from the Ozarks to Lincoln, and the other will take me in a giant circle around New England. If I do that I'm down to three. A visit to Portland finishes off the lower 48.
Create your own visited states map. I do decently well in Canada too, with 5 of 13. I wasn't sure about British Columbia but I looked up the Canadian Glacier National Park (which is awesome, btw) and yep, it is in B.C. One good long road trip across eastern Canada and I can knock off 5 more. The other 3 will take some doing.
create your own personalized map of Canada And while I'm at it, here are my pathetic 7 countries. Well, 7 because apparently the Virgin Islands has its own entry despite being part of the U.S. I'd really call it 6. On the bright side, this is a great start to a game of Risk.
create your own visited countries map Well, knocking off the rest of the maps should keep me busy for a few years.