I got sick. Today I took a sick day for the first time in... well, a really long time. Since 2003, I think. It's actually kind of cool. Oh sure, I'm tired and ache a whole bunch and have trouble focusing and have been swilling Nyquil like a desperate drunk on the end of a 3 day bender, but on the bright side, I was cold. Given my super insulated nature, this happens to me so rarely that it's always a novel experience.
Oh well, it could be worse. I'm quite sure I don't have pneumonia, which is what
xhollydayx has. My immune system laughs at things that throws hers into a panic, so I've got that going for me at least. I should be back at work tomorrow. I sure hope so - if I take another sick day I'd have to work on Boxing Day, and that would be unacceptable.