Tulip: Year One

Apr 21, 2009 23:14

The Fuzzy Overlord came to live with us just over a year ago. In celebration of her one-year anniversary as my favorite dog in the whole world, we got my friend and coworker herpdaddy to come over and some photos. Tim spends a nice chunk of his disposable income on camera gadgets, and his photos show that he's definitely getting his money worth, as demonstrated by this picture of the world's cutest dog (with apologies to Kitten).

See his post here, or see the entire set on his personal website. All pictures safe for work, unless your work has a thing about nauseating cuteness. There are also some photos of xhollydayx's penguins and rubber ducks in there.

If you liked these photos, Tim's been doing Project 365 this year so he posts a picture he's taken every day by 8pm. Since he travels to Japan for work on a regular basis, this often means cool pictures of interesting foods or places he's been to. If you like his photos, check out his pictures of Portland, Oregon, including a bunch of photos of the Chinese Gardens. Of if you prefer more exotic places, he's got some very cool pictures of a parade for the festival Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri, including lots of people in period dress. If you're wondering why the photos have a watermark, he's had a bunch of his shots stolen by various Japanese sites. He's also had his video of the world's shortest escalator featured on a Japanese TV show.

And now that I've embarrassed him enough, I'll post one more picture and call it a post. Here's to many more years of doggy cuteness.

EDIT- Trying to adjust the image size.
EDIT2- Helps if you look at the image properties, doesn't it?

photos, tulip

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