Well, if I'm actually going to
do this 5K thing, these are the ones I'm going to run. Unfortunately, I probably can't make it to Second Sole to by new running shoes until Wednesday at earliest.
May 19 - Hyland 5K (morning)
http://www.hermescleveland.com/roadracing/events/hy5k.asp June 10 - Girls With Sole - Rocky River (morning)
http://peaceracing.com/?page_id=19 July 21 - Lakewood Summer Meltdown - Lakewood (evening)
http://www.active.com/running/lakewood-oh/lakewood-summer-meltdown-5k-and-street-festival-2012 August 4 -Hyland Software Headquarters (morning)
http://www.hermescleveland.com/roadracing/events/youthchallenge.asp Hrm. I wonder if my sister's Iceland marathon has a 5K attached to it.