Supper Club hit a definite rough patch in 2014. After my
successful hosting in January, we had a grand total of one other event in 2014. We didn't even manage our usual Supper Club summer potluck. Most of this was due to life interfering with the Supper Club members, with multiple deaths and severe illnesses striking their families, which was much worse than simple "we didn't schedule it." Hopefully we will rise back strong in 2015, and if not we had a great run.
Anyway, the other supper club in 2014 was hosted
butterandjelly and her husband Anil. It was titled "Chopped", which revealed absolutely nothing to me. For everyone else it was an allusion to an apparently popular
Food Network TV Show where teams of chefs to prepare the best meal from a list of ingredients that don't on the face of it seem to go together. On the show everybody uses the same highlighted ingredients plus the contents of an extensive pantry. For Supper Club, different groups were assigned different courses, each with a different ingredient list.
For me personally, this is hell. My cooking style is very much "prepare your menu far in advance and buy all the ingredients so you can do it" as opposed to "improvise like crazy based on what's in the fridge." Fortunately, I was paired with
darlox, who took our ingredient list and barked instructions. Our main course came out fine. I don't recall much in the way of details, but Fruit Loops were one of our ingredients.
It was fun, although as
indy_was_here said "Tonight I was definitely in the mood for pretty much anything so long as I didn't have to cook it myself." Oops.