I've got two more since
last time, one that I forgot and one that I just saw.
- M & I saw CityMusic Cleveland on March 13 at Lakewood Congregational Church. The soloist was violinist Adel Anthony; she performed the Nielsen Violin Concerto. There was an entertaining bit where the crowd went nuts at the end of the piece, but it wasn't actually the end of the piece. This threw off the entire program, which was already being done out of the printed out. They were supposed to close with Peer Gynt by Grieg, and they did, but the applause in the middle confused me sufficiently that I was wondering why The Hall of the Mountain King didn't sound right. Fortunately, conductor Joaquin Valdepeñas cleared things up. As always, CityMusic put together a solid performance. I recommend them to those who like classical but don't want to pay the full freight for the (undeniably better) Cleveland Orchestra.
- Tonight
rshruti and I saw the Calder Quartet at Transformer Station. As with the Mivos Quartet, they performed 'in the round'; in this case I was reading the violist's music. They performed two newer works, of which I preferred Andrew Norman's "Sabina" to Thomas Adès' "Arcadiana for String Quartet, Op. 12". They then closed with Ravel's String Quartet in F Major, which I greatly enjoyed, particularly the second movement with lots of interesting plucking noises. All in all this was an excellent show in a better space. I'm starting to think that anything at Transformer Station might be worth checking out just for the venue.