I made some
complicated resolutions based in part around my
food charting from 2019. The end result is that I'll have to do some tracking in 2020, but not nearly as extensive. In addition, people liked when I posted recipes, but I don't want to post every single recipe as I satisfactorily proved in 2019 that I cook a wide variety of things. Therefore, in the first 19 days:
[1] I ate out 8 times. Of those 8:
- Two were a hockey related night out with Danita and John (food at the game, drinks after).
- One was brunch with M and Emily T and Chris.
- One was drinks at a concert with John.
- One was drinks at a concert with Eric.
- One was dinner before a concert out with
gieves, Danita, John, Laura and Hannah.
- Two were dinner with M. One of these was the sole new restaurant to me,
P.J. Marley's in Medina, which had a pretty average bar food in a very nice space.
The resolution said drinks at concerts don't count, so that leaves 6.
Counting January 1-4 as a week, we're three weeks into the year.
Week 1: One meal and one drinks in the same night.
Week 2: Brunch, plus one dinner with M.
Week 3: Concert dinner plus one dinner with M.
In other words, we're still good with the resolution.
We also had people over for dinner 3 times. which feels like more than I had in all of
2015 when I resolved to have more people over.
[2] I made five new recipes.
Vegan on the Go gave me two recipes:
- BBQed Jackfruit. To be perfectly honest, the recipe from the cookbook was mostly an idea. M actually bought BBQed Jackfruit, and stripped of the need to BBQ the fruit the recipe was mostly "make sandwiches". They were good sandwiches.
- I also made a Potato risotto, which I'll likely make again.
Eating Well offered up three recipes.
- December 2019 had
Mushroom & Tofu Stir-Fry. M likes stir fries, and this was a fine example of the genre. I used fish sauce instead of oyster sauce though.
- January 2020 had the
Spaghetti Squash Casserole. M loves spaghetti squash and is lukewarm on pasta, so this was a win with her.
- We had a rock star house guest so I made
White Bean Soup with Tomato & Shrimp from the January 2020 Eating Well. M was a bit nervous over me breaking out the new recipe for house guests, but it was a solid winner that we will make again. We had crusty bread and roasted Brussel's Sprouts with it, plus some red bean dip.
Just Me and M, or Just Me (non-concert, non-ballgame): 2
With Friends (non-concert, non-ballgame): 4
Concert/Ball-game drinks: 2
People over for food: 3