First off, I would be remiss if I did not note that Mandy's New Year's Party was a lot of fun. Not quite a Boxing Day Level Event, but very enjoyable. After the ball dropped I spent quite a bit of time discussing middle eastern politics and rock & roll with
Gieves's father, which was most excellent. I look forward to doing that again.
Then after watching more TV in two days than I had in six months (all college football with
joshghiloni), I went to a wedding Saturday. My sister was a bridesmaid for Kelley & Ryan's wedding (Kelley was one of her roommates last year), but I got an invite in my own right. Sweet. Anyway, although the open bar only had beer and wine, I demonstrated that capitalism is alive and well in the Jackson Township, OH, by tipping liberally and getting free rum and cokes for the rest of the night. Much dancing was done. I pulled off the dress shirt to reveal the incredibly cool Tshirt I unveiled at Boxing Day, which got appreciative laughs from many there.
Anyway, ate at #1 Pho tonight with Rachel, and got a special holiday themed cinnamon milkshake at Tommy's. Life's short, diet tomorrow! My little sister leaves tomorrow, which means life will be back to boring normalcy, for at least a little while. Going to see RENT on Tuesday, and Eddie From Ohio on Wednesday.
Speaking of Eddie From Ohio, here's my upcoming concert schedule, for those who might be inclined to come out and get down...
Upcoming Concerts Nathan will most likely be at...
- F 1/9 - Eddie From Ohio - folk rock in the humorous fun Moxy vein. Will be at the Beachland with Jen Watson, plus probably meeting Paul Klingler, Mike Mann and Mike Mann's current girlfriend, Meredith.
- R 1/27 - Carbon Leaf - more traditional folk sound. Their live CD isn't impressive, but some friends of mine say they're quite good live so I might head over to the Grog using free WRUW tix.
- T 2/3 - Stiff Little Fingers - original punk band from Belfast. Only the Sex Pistols did it before them. Playing Peabodys. Going with Roger Weist of WRUW.
- F 2/13 - Toasters - Excellent 2nd wave ska band. Grog.
- W 3/24 - Great Big Sea - Canadian folk rock. Saw them once in Minneapolis, where I got into a fight with some frat boys. Seriously. At a folk rock concert. Damn kids.
- F 3/26 - Susan Werner. Maybe.
- W 3/31 - Roomful of Blues Band - Best lyric ever: "I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go!" Wilberts.
- S 4/17 - The Waifs - Oberlin. Australian folk rock trio. Their show at Cain Park in 2002 is the third best concert I have ever been to in my life. My family has collectively has all their albums, their autographs, many concert viewings... Absolutely excellent. You should come, plus it's in Finney Chapel.
I reserve the right to add more shows, change my mind about current shows, and to decide any of these bands sucks :-) Let me know if you are interested in any of these, and use
Pollstar to find your favorites.