This post wraps up my personal history of reading webcomics. For those following along at home:
- Part 1:
The comics I read every day.
- Part 2:
The comics I binged during the pandemic. This was the first post I envisioned, everything else sort of got out of hand.
- Part 3:
Defunct comics I loved.
- Part 4:
Comics I read from time to time.
- Part 5:
Comics I used to read but abandoned along the way.
In this final piece, I want to call out a few comics I've always meant to get around to reading, but haven't yet. As you'd expect, with the barrier to entry so low for webcomics this is a pretty short list.
1. A long time I ago I would occasionally pop in on
Dresden Codak, which had had really beautiful graphics and weird plots. It's apparently turned into a recurring storyline, and one of my friends speaks very highly of it. I'll
have to take a look some time. To the extent that there is a comparison comic, it might be some of
David Willis had a comic in the early days of webcomics called
Roomies, which I enjoyed. It was followed by a successor comic with many of the same characters called
It's Walky, which had many of the same characters and increasingly fantastical situations. After ending that project, he had another comic called
Shortpacked which I never read. Then he took the characters from Roomies and It's Walky and created
continuity has been wiped away, so they have very well defined character traits without the backlog of history. This is a really interesting approach. Instead of having to figure out who these people were as the comic was written, he already knew, and just had to see how they'd react in a new situation. I read the first several months and got distracted, and have always meant to go back continue reading.
And honestly, those two are about it right now. I'm certainly open to suggestions though!