Today we've reached the two week mark of Birdie's forays into
solid food. We're starting to get our routine sorted out. Right after I get off work I strap her into the high chair and she gets some solid food.
The first week was all rice baby cereal mixed with formula. Birdie wasn't supper excited by this, but she wasn't particularly opposed either.
At the start of the second week we switched to vegetable baby foods. Given five flavors to choose from, Birdie's cousin L (age 7) picked Sweet Potato as the first flavor. We also got new baby sized spoons at the same time that fit into her mouth a little better. Whether it was the food or the sweet potato I can't say, but at this point, Birdie got more excited by the food and things went much easily. We still have to wipe PLENTY of food off of her. Fortunately we have a big stack of bibs.
After a few days the first jar of sweet potatos was empty, and we moved on to carrots. Now Birdie is really starting to get the hang of it. She's opening her mouth as the spoon came near it and generally doing a much better job of eating. It remains to be seen if this is because she actually is starting to understand the process, or if she just REALLY likes carrots. I guess we'll find out when we move to the next flavor.
In the last few days Birdie has also had a lot of fun grabbing the spoon and waving it around. When she does the spoon even goes in her mouth more often than not, although I'm personally inclined to think that's just random chance at this point. It's not like there's food on the spoon when she does that anyway.