This post brings us to the end of my incredibly self-indulgent summary of my tags. You're welcome, future grad students. This is part 5 of 5. The first four parts were:
The LiveJournal Centric Ones-
Working, Cooking, Self-Improvement-
Pop Culture-
Travel& Stories From My Life Our last part has all the tags that didn't quite fit anywhere else. I killed 2 more tags during this write up, which got me down to 160 tags.
Technology - 6 Tags
As befits some with a computer science degree who worked as a programmer for more than a decade, I sometimes talk about technology in my life.
computer - some posts about my own computers, some general musings on computer topics, and hilariously some notes on when my internet is down.
computer games - I used to play a lot of all sorts of computer games.
facebook - musings on that other social media entry in my life.
virus09 - a fun little experiment from when I joined Facebook.
ipod - Remember iPods? They were a big deal. I had two of them.
iphone - I was almost the last person in the world to get a smart phone, so naturally I talk about that occasionally.
Other Activities - 3 Tags
Other things I do that weren't covered yet.
gaming - This tag covers board games and role playing games, neither of which I do as much as I'd like.
trivia - Pub quiz style trivia.
bird list - M is a big birder, which I'm happy to participate in.
Other Lists - 5 Tags
I joke sometimes this collection should be called the book of lists.
bucket list - stuff I want to do one day, mostly travel.
wish - my birthday list for the year, which is increasingly difficult to create as I get older.
obituary - I collect obituaries of people I loved. If things get dark, maybe I'll include obituaries from the people I explicitly did not love.
sick - I also track the number of sick days I've taken. Weird, right? Probably should have been under my
Health & Fitness category.
random lists - Possibly my quintessential tag, this is all the lists I put together that don't fit in any other list.
Other Things - 12 Tags
Things I couldn't easily categorize, or that should have been in prior categories.
assorted geek stuff - A grab bag of geeky topics.
current events - I don't really comment on the news very often, but I have tag for it when I do.
politics - I also don't delve into political commentary very often, but when I do I have a tag for that too.
cwru - This tag is not stories about my alma mater, Case Western Reserve University, but it does come up very occasionally.
humor - funny stuff I wrote, or jokes I retell.
recap - summaries of recent doings.
miscellaneous calendar - upcoming events that didn't fall nicely into one of my other calendar categories, apparently.
penguins - My ex loved penguins.
space - I really like outer space.
weather - I wouldn't be human if I didn't talk about the weather occasionally.
weird ideas - As labeled on the tin.
zombies - Zombies were in for a while. Maybe they're still in? I don't keep track.
Mission Statements - 2 Tags
print the legend - Used occasionally when the story is better than the truth. Thank you Liberty Valance.
memory - To the extent that this journal has a theme, it's about the fallibility of memory.
Well, that's one excuse that kept me from going back and tagging all my old posts removed.
In this post, 28 tags.
Overall, 160 tags down, 0 zero left to go.