Record Store T-Shirts I Have Known

Apr 15, 2022 13:00

Two months ago I went through all the concert shirts I've bought, plus a few non-concert shirts. It'll come as no surprise that I've thought of a few others shirts that I forgot. I've somehow managed to acquire three different Cleveland record store t-shirts in my life, although I don't own any of them anymore.

1. One of the members of my training class at WRUW was Charles, proprietor of My Minds Eye records in Lakewood. I expressed admiration for his t-shirt once and he gave me one. It was white with a black logo, and it turns out that hairy guys who sweat a lot probably shouldn't wear white t-shirts too often, but I wore a lot before it disappeared somewhere along the way.

2. For many years there was a record store in a Westlake strip mall called My Generation. I only found out about it when it was closing, which was somewhere in the 2002-2004 time range. I went to check out the going out of business sale and bought a bunch of stuff at a deep discount. This was before the inaugural baseball road trip, because I played the Garth Brooks double live disc on that trip and I know I got that at My Generation.

Anyway, they were selling super discounted t-shirts, so I bought one for a fiver, mostly because I liked their slogan: "We have it all, just not all at once." I wrote it a few times but ended up donating it. They were also selling "going out of business" shirts which, in a nod to their Who inspired name, said "Died Before We Got Old."

3. Music Saves opened down the street from the Beachland Ballroom in 2004. For most of those years it was open after nearly every show I went to at the Beachland, and I stopped in to say hello after most of those. I also bought quite a few CDs there over the years, and a Sharon Jones poster from the 12/29/2006 show. Eventually I laid down the cash for a grey t-shirt with the Music Saves logo on it. For a while it was my default gig t-shirt, and it wore out one day.

I've probably bought more albums at Music Saves than anywhere else. In terms of new albums, My Minds Eye is definitely second, but if you count used stuff the collective CD/Record Exchanges are probably second.

As mentioned in the prior post, I've also got a Beachland Ballroom t-shirt, which is only appropriate for the concert venue I've been to the most. I wore my Beachland shirt to the grand opening of the Cleveland Cinematheque's new theater back in 2015. I've got one of the Cinematheque shirts too as befits the cultural institution in Cleveland that I've visited by far the most.

random lists, cleveland rocks

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