Jun 17, 2022 22:02
My daughter's latest adorable behavior has been dubbed "The Flop" by M. Her bedroom contains a sofa with big cushions that can be easily removed. When she was less mobile we used those big cushions to block off areas we didn't want her to get into. Now she is strong enough to pull those cushions down flat on the floor. This allows her to execute a new move. She'll either kneel or stand next to the cushion, and from there she bends down real fast to do a sort of controlled head first fall onto the cushion. Typically, a bunch of giggling happens right after. Birdie will happily do this over and over.
She also has figured out that the mattress in the crib is soft enough to allow quasi-tumbling activity and so she'll sometimes throw herself to the mattress. The giggling is pretty much the same though. An alternate variant I've once has her standing on the sofa cushion and dropping to a sitting position. This only happened once though, and I'm not sure it was intentional.
That's the exciting new behavior around here. I'm sure it'll be different in a week, but we've got some great video of good flops for future entertainment value.
birdies baby book