We Don't Talk About Birdie

Mar 10, 2024 23:20

We had a bad case of toddler crud here this past weekend which knocked out all our plans for Friday and Saturday as one, two or all three of us were ill at various times. The upside is that Birdie sat through an entire movie for the first time, well assuming you don't count her sleeping through Stop Making Sense in my arms when she was a month old.

The movie in question was Encanto, which I watched on a television at home in 2022. Birdie makes it through about 99% of the movie, minus a scary sequence at the very beginning and sometimes some of the sequences in Bruno's tower. Unsurprisingly, she likes the songs the best.

So the good news is that Birdie likes Encanto, and the bad news is that Birdie likes Encanto. Due to the aforementioned illness she watched it 2-3 times this weekend, plus substantial sequences of a live performance at the Hollywood Bowl, and I'm sure more of both are coming. I myself didn't sit all the way through any one showing, but have seen or heard all of it at one point or another. There are certainly worse fates.

Back in 2022 I said "My smart-ass summary is a really good looking movie with some imaginative sequences, one super catchy song and not much else. Seriously, I barely remember it at this point, but I also guarantee that if I had the soundtrack album (as I often did for Disney movies when I was a kid) that this would rate much higher in my eyes." And now that Birdie has watched it parts of 3-4 times, I can say that judgment was 100% on the nose. With the benefit of multiple exposures, I can say that there are multiple super catchy songs, not just one. The opening number in particular is a tour de force in introducing a large cast in one song. And while the plot isn't particularly imaginative, it is way more interesting than the plot twists of your typical Disney fare.

Birdie and I were well enough to go to synagogue today, so hopefully we can be out and about now instead of in and watching the same movie over and over.

birdies baby book, sick, cinema, birdies milestones

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