May 26, 2005 23:39
Saw the Slackers last night at the Grog Shop. They were ok, but the multiple times I have seen them have never come close to approaching the amazing quality of the first time I saw them on a 98 degree day at the old Grog Shop with one of those packed houses that makes movement impossible except that everyone is so sweaty you sort of slide off of each other. Anyway, last night was serviceable, but nothing special.
What was special was that before the show Micah and I hosted a more of less impromptu dinner for the ska kids, namely Tran^2, Tim, DJ Al Skapone and Mike. Vast quanitities of pasta with peppers & onions, plus sauce, salad, iced tea and milk were consumed. The best was the garlic bread. I had bought a loaf of french break with the basic plan of buttering it and spicing it and serving it warm. Micah went me one better. 4 crushed cloves of garlic and a whole bunch of high quality olive oil later we had some amazingly garlicly bread. It was delicious and raised the meal from a mere pasta night to a happening event. Pity the concert was not up to the same standard. For desert we had ice cream and some drumsticks that Mike brought. Sadly, the cake Tran^2 had promised us was lit on fire at some point prior to its arrival at our apartment ( no, seriously ), but that was a minor blemish on an otherwise excellent meal.
The only other real blemish was that Micah thought we did not have enough pasta on cooked and boiled up a whole bunch of macaroni in a hurry. Naturally the pasta I had initially was more than enough. Hah. Fear my l33t pasta estimating skills.