Just got back from Autobot City...

Jun 22, 2006 21:59

*paces back and forth along the floor of the upper gallery tier for a while without a word, before abruptedly turning to the console which serves as the main computer and tapping out a log entry*



We had another damn Herald show up around the Nexus. This is becoming something of a common occurence now. But this one stands out because he informed me that Unicron is dead rather than try to convince me of His Imminent Arrival, or some other such bull (pfft. Imminent? My aft. Despite the number of Heralds we've had so far, including Nemesis Prime and the Fallen, nothing ever happened. So either they were lying just to fool us into panicking about it because we were stupid enough to believe them, or they simply had glitched processors and were consequently completely barmy enough to go round spouting crackbrained nonsense). That, and the fact that he apparently comes with some damn Second who's been doing far too much snooping around in the wrong places for my liking. There's something about them both that sets me on edge, and I don't like it."

*pauses, thinking, then types a bit more*

"I need to work out a way to keep tabs on what's going on, and where. It feels strange to be spending more and more time in and around Autobot City, but I suppose with the truce having gone on for so long I should be used to it by now. Still, I'll stick around if I need to.

I should also find out where certain individuals have gotten to, so that I can keep track of them. I'm not saying they can't keep themselves out of trouble, but everywhere and everyone seems to be on heightened alert right now, and if the shit really does end up hitting the fan at any point I want to be able to know where certain people are in case anything goes wrong. Yes, I'm paranoid. No, the knowledge that I tend to be paranoid won't stop me from considering worst case scenarios in case they really DO happen. Because ugly as they are, it's not impossible that they won't happen. If that was the case they'd be called "impossible scenarios". And they're not, so that should tell you something."

*pauses again, then appears to decide that what's already been typed so far will suffice as an update*


*saves the log and closes the program, then after a moment of seeming to be slightly lost as to what to do now, settles down to rest for a short while and just think*

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