It's one more omission from a high-school history book.

Sep 08, 2005 19:04

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Have you ever suspected magical_reality of being a lifelike robot?Yes, many times. Sometimes when she uses that really high voice of hers it sounds like her voicebox is malfunctioning and only producing a high-pitched whirring.kaiser_tbd is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?SEND IN THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND GIANT DUST BUNNIES! *Evil cackling*What animal does lilmissmollie most remind you of?Her pretty icons remind me of a Unicorn, so... yeah. Plus, they're very poetic creatures with a lot of inner beauty.random_ly: pansy, or wuss?Pansy, though I wouldn't really say either...Why did tszujyourself cross the road?To get to the T-Mobiles. DURRRRWhat would todieetcetera like to do for a living?Photography, probably. Or maybe become a french prostitute. (Just kidding!)How would splashbomb survive on a desert island?Make friends with the crew of "Lost" and mooch off them.What is the most embarrassing thing you know about _glasshouse?Let's just say... Lord of the Rings. Fight scenes. I probably know worse stuff than that, but that's what popped into my mind at the moment.Of dizzyoncoffee and ricekrispies143, who would call shotgun first?Dizzy would probably call it, but if they got into a fight over it, I don't have any idea who would win...Do you envy _havalina_'s job?Not especially.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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