(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 10:03


Law to Increase Wages Is Defeated in Chicago

Summary of the article: *sigh*



For those of you who do not have cable, or have lives, or live in a Daily Show-free Australia, I found a clip from Tuesday' show which was so funny, I swear to God, it almost made me pee my pants.

Little Richard Translates El Presidente Bush's Speech

Summary of the clip: *omgcan'tbreathlaughingsohard*


Customer Service Frustrations:

If I'm calling you about my online account, chances are I already have one set up.
If you don't know the answer to my question, don't make something up, or say "That's impossible to do."
Thank God your banks give out lollipops with every drive-thru deposit. Otherwise, I'd have no reason to continue doing business with you at all.
In retrospect, that probably isn't very mature reasoning.
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