I scared the crap out of myself tonight when I accidently fucked up my computer, and had to do windows restore. I thought my 190 gigs of documents, music, and irreplaceable photos were deleted. Imagine my relief when they were all there when it came back.
Still, I've been updating drivers and reinstalling for the last 2 hours, but it's worth it.
Gah... I think this gumbo I made has some narcotic effect to it... I keep passing out immediately after having a bowl, and not being able to finish Revolver. It's like turkey
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Hmm, my favorite khaki pants got washed with a black pen. Ink stains on the leg... let's hope some rubbing alcohol gets it out, but it probably won't.... I see a new pair of Calvin Klein cutoff shorts in my future. :-/
It's been two weeks since my last communication with Andrea. At first I promised myself not to write for two weeks to give her time with her other guy. Now I'm thinking maybe I should make it a 3 weeks or a month.
What I should do is forget about her and start talking to new girls. But I'm not very good at doing what I should do.