
Apr 04, 2005 17:40

For the always fabulous Billy Manes......

I know I am....

Billy sounds so happy.....I'm happy for him....

I can't wait to put my Billy Manes campaign sign on my lawn....I think the people across the street with the Bush sign still on theirs are soooo gonna love

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Comments 4

Yeah, Do It!!! independenticon April 4 2005, 22:57:38 UTC
I love him too!! I need to reg. so i can vote 4 him.....Think Michael would put em in his yard??!!


Re: Yeah, Do It!!! cynjade April 4 2005, 23:14:45 UTC
I just asked and he said NO......bleh

Billy called today and asked me to go to his thing tonight at Wills...but I am too run down....but when I do catch up with him I'll get you some Billy for Mayor stuff.....


Re: Yeah, Do It!!! independenticon April 5 2005, 07:56:15 UTC
Cool!! Thanks!!! I want signs in the yard *POUTS*, He told me no too....What's the big deal???!!!! I SOOOO hope he wins!!!!


Re: Yeah, Do It!!! cynjade April 5 2005, 13:12:07 UTC
The big deal is Michael doesn't like anyone......this is what he told


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