I've become both my parents....

Feb 15, 2011 20:40

So, I had to finally deal with breathing issues last month-- bronchitis stuff that wouldn't go away-- and I had to do the breathing treatment in the office that Mom did twice a day at home (and I was the one to fill the meds into the machine-- mom used to call it "smoking the pipe")-- not to mention inhalers... but two weeks ago, this lump on my back suddenly, after years and years, grew, got tender-- and then ruptured.

A cyst-- a sebaceous cyst, to be exact. And it was infected like nothing else.

The connection between parents? My dad had one for years on his "behind".

For years, it was kind of a joke to us kids-- every few years it would flare up-- we'd snicker when he'd talk about it to Mom-- and we were hardly kind even when we were older.

BUT-- having spent the past two weeks with one on my back-- and having it removed/dealt with (I do not think he EVER had a doctor do anything about his), I regret all the snickers at his expense.

At least it wasn't on my ass.... but yeah, freaking PAINFUL!!

I hope this is the last of my medical links to Mom and Dad. I would like to be rather healthy and live rather long. Dad was 56 when he died-- MY AGE!! Mom was 78, which is not bad, but it was a combination of cancer and congestive heart failure that took her. Her mother lived to around 90, and her oldest brother just died this year at 92-- MOM was the baby. So was Dad, and he died before his brother and sister.......

Anyway... How is YOUR health lately??
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