It's been a while...

Jan 15, 2009 22:18

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since my last post.  The last time I posted I was working on another installment for my Xangel Truth verse, but with the holidays I kind of came to a stand still.

Money has been so tight lately that I decided to make as many gifts as I could, and do some other creative things.  And that pretty much took up all of my free time from about mid-November through now.  In fact, the hat I knitted for my oldest nephew went over so well that I'm now working on a matching scarf for him (at his request).  I'm pretty excited about his reaction because at his age, ten going on 30 :D, he usually isn't really impressed with homemade gifts.

Of course, for the kids I also had to buy some toys and games, and that could have been a disaster financially if my parents hadn't decided to help me out.  I'm so frustrated that I'm in this financial situation, but the job market is even worse right now than it was when I had to take my current job after my previous layoff.  And I'm grateful that I still have this job because my current employer has been laying people off for the last several months because the current downtrend in the housing market is really hurting business.

I've been toying with the idea of selling my condo, and moving myself and my son in with my parents while I go back to school.  It's not like I don't already have a degree, but let's face it, music (vocal performance) is not the most marketable  degree especially when you need something with 9-5 hours while your child is still pretty young.

Well, on to other news.  I think I might be temporarily blocked on my wip for my Xangel Truth verse, but I've got a pretty good idea for a Spander ficlet which I think I'm going to work on until I feel more inspired on the other story.  I'm also starting to get some ideas for my Knight who Sees series. I had a definite idea where I was going to go with that fic when I started it, but once I started writing it seemed to have a mind of it's own, and I'm not sure where I'm going to take it now. Hence the reason I haven't posted another chapter in months.  :(

I realized something last night that I'd almost forgotten about.  Yesterday, Jan. 14th, was the one year anniversary of my hysterectomy.  I can't believe a year has gone by already.  I'm pretty much fully recovered although I still have occasional bouts of pain (mostly from scar tissue and I think the area the doctor attached my ovaries to keep them from collapsing in the now much less crowded space. :D)  Luckily, thank God, I am still cancer free.  Yea me!

Well, I guess that's all for now.  Good night everyone.  :D

it's been a while

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