raggedy_edge asked us to ask her for questions and then answer them. So I did. I did have to take a detour to watch
this though :)
1 - Favorite holiday?
Halloween is awesome, it's very free from tradition and musts over here so there's a lot of freedom. I also love Yule and Midsummer, mostly for the food and the parties :)
2 - Hardison bribes Parker into
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Comments 4
And questions!
1. Which is your favorite season?
2. If you could get a job as anything, what would it be?
3. Which book have you re-read the most times? And if you don't re-read which is your favorite book?
4. Blonde, brunette or redhead?
5. If you had to choose between music and TV which would you live without? Forever? For a month?
1. If you could change the sex of any celebrity who would it be?
2. Light or dark chocolate?
3. If you had a spaceship what would you name it?
4. You can watch only one TV-series for a whole month, which would it be?
5. Your favorite yule/christmas/hanukka/kwanzaa/wintergift tradition?
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