Give me a Call Sometime, but not like that!

Jul 04, 2014 20:54

“Hey Rebecca!” Mokuba called out to the blonde American girl as she was about to go and get on her plane. “Before you go, there's something I want to give you.”

“Me?” Rebecca turned around and adjusted her glasses as she studied the younger Kaiba brother; they were around the same age, the same height, though he had way more hair than her, probably had maids and servants to manage it all and keep it from splitting apart into an endless frizz. “What do you got for me?” Rebecca was a child prodigy, a college graduate at her age and everything, she wasn't going to act like she couldn't be getting a lot out of this little exchange.

“Well, you know, after what happened with DOMA, and how you did at the Grand Prix, I got to thinking that you're pretty cool, you know?” He reached into his pocket and presented her with a card, a business card. “It's got my number and my email address on it, so you can call me up whenever you like.”

“...You're asking me out?” Rebecca smirked. “I would have figured you'd already have a girl arranged for you, but I suppose you could pass for the wild and rebellious type if you let your hair go all out.”

“Huh?” Mokuba blinked a couple of times, then gaped and stepped back. “I didn't mean it like that! I just meant call me up like friends do, that's all!”

Rebecca giggled. “You know, you kind of remind me of my darling, all shy and bashful.” Mokuba turned red. “Hmm,” she leaned in for a closer look at him, her face all up in his. “Not as cute as him though, but then again you still are just a kid.”

“So are you!” Mokuba yelled in her face. “I can't believe I wanted to be friends with someone as stuck-up and snotty and full of themselves as you!”

“And I can't believe an immature brat like you could appreciate someone like me!” Rebecca stormed off in a huff and Mokuba did the same in the opposite direction.

“So.” Honda said, for he and Jounouchi had watched the whole thing. “You think those two have a shot?”

“Are you kidding me?” Jounouchi said. “I was practically hearing wedding bells coming off of them; mark my words, those two are crazy about each other.”

“Yeah, because you're such a love expert.”

“More of a love expert than you.”

The two growled at each other until Anzu cleared her throat at them, so they got on the plane back to Domino City.

rebecca x mokuba, yugioh, mokuba kaiba, rebecca hopkins

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