Yesterday I turned 30. Weee...
My Parents came up to have dinner with Melissa and I last night.
My brother called my mom, and was talking to her. She's talking to him about dinner, and she says "We're over at Stas' Celebrating his birthday, do you want to talk to him?" Yadda Yadda He asks to come to dinner with us, so I say sure...
He says Me and the girls will be over. Now at this point I had no idea who the girls were. I get off the phone with him, and I tell my mom that they're coming over to have dinner with us. So, who are the girls? My mom says something like, the brazilians from Florida. My aunt is a Pediatric Neursurgeon, and she has a brazilian woman take care of her kids. My aunt's nanny and her two nieces came to dinner with us... It was a trip, but somewhat uncomfortable... I got a song and sombero put on my head at dinner last night. It was fun.
I got my present to myself last night also, a Viewsonic 19" LCD. It's got a really nice picture and it's awesome for games, The machine is awesome for games, but the resolution is way to low... I prefer 1600x1200 on a 19" screen, but I would have had to spend twice the money on a 20" screen to get 1600x1200. The speakers built in don't work very well either. I played a little GuildWars Factions, and I have to say I'm very dissapointed in the Character customization. I'm not a big fan of Fantasy RPG's anyway.
This is more for myself... late Last night I woke up and couldn't breath took off the mask. I couldn't put it back on. So I slept the rest of the night without the mask. update (1pm): I had turned the humidity up to high... I'll try lower or off completely tonight.