End of year survey, taken from Kim

Dec 31, 2012 18:03

Decided to do a year end survey for once, partially to make up for the fact that I'm never on here.

2012 survey )

well i'm back, survery

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Comments 3

hamsterwoman January 1 2013, 19:28:46 UTC
I was sticking my naked butt out of some friends window, actually

LOL, that's bound to be memorable XD

I'm glad that the trip to the Bahamas was awesome! And that the subbing sounds like it's going well.

Competitive storytelling -- I didn't know that was a thing, but it sounds intriguing!

It was very good to get a roundup of your year, because I've been wondering how you've been doing on a lot of fronts.


cyshobbitlass January 3 2013, 17:14:06 UTC
The naked butt thing was really fun, I have to admit!

Aw, glad to hear you were wondering about me. Lj is a hard habit to get back into, but I am trying to make an effort because I feel that although it takes more effort than tumblr, it is a more satisfying blogging experience. The best of all possible blogging worlds for me would be to regularly use both but uh, yeah, I don't have unlimited blogging time!


deeplyunhip January 4 2013, 03:18:50 UTC
The ocean slide still sounds like such a freaking cool thing.

The driving test is horrible - never forget that you are not alone in your needing several tries. All that stress and sadness and when the hell do I even drive? Heh. I'm sure you can do it this next year, though - my secret weapon was drinking Red Bull before; maybe that will work for you, too?

Best of luck with the other resolutions, too!


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