Title: Lord of the Fading Lands
Author: C.L. Wilson
Genre: Fantasy (romance subgenre)
My thoughts: Ugh. Pass this one by.
I found this book to be so clichéd and trite as to be nearly unreadable. The nerveless bit of fluff who ranks as the heroine is a horrid mixture of syrupy sweetness and heavy-handed examples of sudden and unexpected displays of magical ability the likes of which her world has never seen before. The king of the Fey claims her as his soul-bonded mate immediately after first seeing her, the beautiful female characters in this book hate her, and her childhood bully is repeatedly thwarted in his attempts to rape her.
Seriously, the author took tried-and-true formulaic approaches to fantasy writing and jammed them together with a selection of the romantic points that come to mind when you think of bad romantic fiction. The Lord of the Fading Lands reads like an attempt at fan fiction. (Although, in an effort to be fair with that comparison, I should point out that the book had been consistently edited and displayed no overt grammatical mistakes.)
After the heroine bored me silly, I did spend a bit of time flipping through this book in search of interesting sex scenes with the faint hope that they might slightly redeem this as a romance novel. There were none. I advise you all to pass on reading this.
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