May 16, 2006 01:04
finding out that some of the people you went to highschool with are married, and have children is -to say the least- weird.
May 04, 2006 00:51
so is there something wrong with the internets, or something?
i know upwards of a dozen people, from florida to BC to california to Nova scotia and all points in between that are having ISP problems, what the shit is going on here?
and don't you dare try telling me "so just don't play that game, lolz", tech support guy.
May 01, 2006 15:52
Last night, i had my first true lucid dream.
it was fan-fucking-tastic.
Thank you to davey and rachel for "being there" while i managed to finally not wake up whilst announcing "hey, i'm dreaming, we can do whatever the hell we feel like"
That was the greatest jump ever.
Apr 28, 2006 02:58
it hasn't really set in. radio is over, i'm leaving this campus and this room behind.
i'm going to miss my room. yeah, i'm sappy and stupid. but it's got more memories that i can remember, if you want to count the irony.
i'm sure it'll really set in that it's gone in a week or two. yay.
but until then, monty python and chocolate.
Apr 27, 2006 02:21
Moods, moods, moods.
no matter where i sit, things don't sit right.
i'm starting to irritate myself with how confident i've become.
i don't know how to feel about that.
Apr 23, 2006 04:31
Sometimes, well, it seems to be a lot of the time, the most damning (while not the worst) thing to know is better.
Apr 20, 2006 15:04
Today is a beautiful day outside.
Inside, i am taking my room apart.
yar. too much.