Life wasn't looking too promising for the Predator franchise after the first movie. While the second found a respectable cult status, their Xenomorph counterparts from the Alien series arguably got a little more attention. And let's not even fucking START with the Alien Vs. Predator movies.
When I heard the announcement of Predator receiving an upgrade, I was hopeful and apprehensive. I'm not one of those folks who are are in the TEAM XENOMORPH or TEAM PREDATOR camp. I love both for a variety of reasons. At the same time, there was word in the pipeline going around that it was going to be a virtual remake of the the first which made me incredibly nervous. Yeah, the first is a B-Movie, but what SF/horror film isn't deep down? Even the Gucci of SF/horror Alien was made with B-Movie at heart despite Ridley Scott's talent. What also made me cautious was that some guy named Nimrod Atal would be directing. Yeah. That's the guy real name.
As time went on though, and as I heard more about the story and talent (Robert Rodriguez producing? The amigo can churn out 5 movies or so in a YEAR!), Adrien Brody (the guy from The Pianist, oh yeah, and new Mexploitation hero Danny Trejo). All of these things combined with the story of a bunch of strangers of questionable background being dropped on a Predator game reserve and engaging in a battle of wits and survival with the titular hunters, I started to warm further and further to the idea. Regretfully I wasn't able to catch it at cinemas, much to my displeasure (work and university commitments), so I wasn't able to enjoy my first Predator film on the big screen. When it was released on DVD though, I just HAD to get it and here are my thoughts.
This film was a blast. Never a dull moment from beginning to end with a lot of nifty ideas and cheeky winks to the audience. Some have viewed this movie was one big rehash of the first, but I disagree. Yes, it had the humans who knew how to kill, but what separated them from the first movie was that these folks had ambiguous backgrounds, on top of that, they did not know each other which made dynamics in the group more interesting. On top of that, nobody is built like a brick house- these people served in armies, death squads, drug cartels, gangs- these folks were built for their work.
"Say 'The Pianst'sucked once again, motherfucker! I dare you!"
Another factor that removes itself from the original is that it plays on who really is the predator on this planet? Given all of these characters have conflicting beliefs and methods, are the Predators the ones to run from?
Philosophical stuff aside, this movie was made with the term FUN in mind. Pure, crazy, popcorn fun and it delivered admirably. Perhaps the possibility why I enjoyed this movie was that I was in a state of mind when I was just happy to go along for the ride- if you go to a movie such as this to watch a chronicle of the human spirit, you will be fiercely disappointed. Same thing if you are looking for a film that is wholly original and clever- this one ain't, well, not in the way you want anyway. Special props must also be given to Alice Braga who plays a strong, sensible female character who isn't objectified the way so many other women in films of this caliber are. My inner feminist thanks you most sincerely, maám.
The Good Ol' Boys
The movie naturally isn't without it's faults though. One of the most glaring examples are the new Predators themselves. While they were still a joy to watch, they did not possess the grace, speed and brutality of the original Predator. I can't exactly express why, but I felt the Pred in the original was much more of an efficient hunter. The ones in this movie are more prone to simple barbarism with small moments of cunning, but overall, they were mostly bruisers. They were supposedly a new species, but they lacked the intensity and soul of their predecessor.
You, sir, are a redneck.
Secondly, it doesn't offer us anything particularly new. Personally I would love to see a Predator film set in the Classical Era, or during one of the World Wars. Here, once again, we are plonked in the middle of a steamy, labyrinthine jungle. Come on, Predators are able to adapt to anywhere- give us a new battleground!
Another factor was that the prisoner character played by Walter Goggins was irritating up the whazoo. Then there was the disturbing idea that this guy was meant to be somebody you cheered for, cracking wise and having 'funny' lines even though he was a serial rapist and murderer back on Earth. If anything, this guy should have been the first to go.
In addition to this, while the action sequences were still a blast to watch, the stalking sequences were underwhelming. The Predators like to play with their opponents by messing with their heads, using psychological warfare to draw out their prey but they almost always just popped up out of nowhere and BANG! You're dead!.
There are other factors that worked against the movie here, but I won't put them here because overall, this was an enjoyable (if derivative) movie. While it may not be memorable in 20+ years time like Predator, it was still a welcome return a franchise that just doesn't get enough love. Hopefully if and when a sequel comes about based on the film's success, it won't be afraid to move away from the established fomula and have the Predators do battle somewhere else. We know they're hardcore like that.