Books meme

Mar 31, 2010 00:36

1. Choose 10 14 books that you like.
2. Write down the first sentence of each of those books.
3. Let other people try to figure out the titles.
4. Cross off books as they are guessed, let us know the correct answers and who guessed them.

Half of them is in English, half of them is in Polish.

1. In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeons in the army. - Arthur Conan Doyle A Study in Scarlet, guessed by Merryloon

2. On the first Monday of the month of April, 1625, the small town of Meung, the brithplace of the author of the 'Romance of the Rose,' appeared to be in the state of revolution, as complete as if the Huguenots were come to make a second siege of La Rochelle. - Alexandre Dumas Three Musketeers, guessed by aevenien

3. The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it 'the Riddle House', even though it had been many years since the Riddle family had lived there. - J.K. Rowling Goblet of Fire, guessed by aevenien

4. 3 May. Bistritz. - Left Munich at 8.35 p.m. on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6.46 but train was an hour late. - Bram Stoker Dracula, guessed by Merryloon

5. For most of the animals of Farthing Wood a new day was beginning.

6. Anthony Stark was bored. - Peter David Iron Man, guessed by perosha

7. Marriage was once represented as a field of battle rather than a bed of roses, and perhaps there are some who may still support this view; but just as Dr Maturin had made a far more unsuitable match than most, so he set about dealing with the situaiton in a far more compendious, peaceable and efficacious way than the great majority of husbands. - Patrick O'Brian The Ionian Mission, guessed by perosha

8. Alicja dzwoniła do mnie do pracy codziennie w porze śniadania, bo tak nam obu było najwygodniej. - Joanna Chmielewska "Całe zdanie nieboszczyka", guessed by nickygabriel

9. Od najmłodszych, najdawniejszych lat pokutowało we mnie gorące pragnienie napisania powieści. - Joanna Chmielewska "Wszyscy jesteśmy podejrzani", guessed by aevenien

10. - Allerød to wcale nie znaczy "wszystko czerwone" - powiedziała z niezadowoleniem Alicja. - Nie wiem skąd ci taki idiotyczny pomysł przyszedł do głowy. - Joanna Chmielewska "Wszystko czerwone", guessed by aevenien

11. Dawno temu było sobie wielkie miasto okrakiem nad Wisłą rozsiadłe.

12. Za to, żeś uratował mi życie w pustyni, darowuję ci pchnięcie mnie nożem w hacjendzie Del Venado i strzał do mnie nad jeziorem Salto del Auga.

13. Ngai jest stwórcą wszystkiego co istnieje.

14. Porucznik Dunbar tak naprawdę nie był połknięty.

Bonus: (nie mogłam się powstrzymać XD)

15. Początkowo Stirlitz nie uwierzył: wydało mu się - w ogrodzie śpiewa słowik. - Julian Siemionow "Siedemnaście mgnień wiosny", guessed by akinnore

books, meme

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