This is in Zakopane - very south of Poland - Tatry mountains
This is one of the cute wooden houses that are typical style found in Zakopane...
View of the mountains in Zakopane...
Me and Kris and the Tatry mountains in the backround
Kris in his place (ha) one of the castles near my town had this in display, I want one in my house..hmm
Ruins of a castle near my town...called Piaskowa Skala (Sandy Hill)
This a clock with a phrase that I might've talked about before (I think Kelly I have told you about it) the phrase means: "One of these hours will be your last" I just love this picture, its so...(my friend called it morbid) but I don't know the meaning, I think its deep and thought provoking...
I leave you with that in mind..