_ You stole this from: everyone
_ With the coolest username:
czk_ With the coolest userpics:
czk_ With the cutest username:
czk_ With the coolest layout:
czk_ Most likely to comment in your journal:
czk_ You last added:
czk_ You first added:
czk_ Who seems to be on ALL your friends' lists:
czk_ How often do you post to LJ: when i feel like it
_ What's the longest you've gone without posting to LJ since the day you signed up: a week or two or so
_ What's the longest you've gone without reading LJ since you discovered it: a month or 2, 3
_ How many of your LJ friends are your friends in "real life":
czk is
_ Who is the most intelligent or insightful person you know on LJ:
czk_ Have you ever wanted to meet someone from LJ: yes,
czk_ Whose journal do you enjoy reading the most:
czk_ Which one do you admire:
czk_ Which one has an attitude problem:
czk_ Which one is the funniest:
czk_ Which one is the sweetest:
czk_ Which one can you trust the most:
czk_ Which one do you know the best:
czk_ Which one are you most likely to have a crush on:
czk_ Who's the prettiest:
czk_ Who's the tallest:
czk_ Who's the shortest:
czk_ Who's the oldest:
czk_ Who's the youngest:
czk_ Who's the nicest:
czk_ Who do you see the most:
czk_ Who do you talk to most online:
czk_ Which are you most attracted to:
czk_ Prettiest couple:
czk &
czk_ Prettiest hair:
czk_ Most like you:
czk_ Ones you`d like to get to know:
czk_ Most original look:
czk mijn mening over dit soort lijstjes mag hiermee duidelijk zijn, hoop ik.