dress tech week continues. today we had it all. tomorrow, no makeup in the hair. that'll be nice.
my hair is still greasy and gross. i need to sleep. but first, let me tell you something.
the sun was amazing today. it made me feel so happy. the college was alive! people were actually outdoors. there was drumming, guitar playing, frisbee, rugby, studying and reading, even the jazz band was rehearsing outside by the music building!
MJ let me turn in my theory homework late. i composed some sick melodies yo. though there are a few things i would change if i kept them. *sigh* history of western music ii midterm on wednesday. i need to study.
tomorrow will suck a goat scrotum for the following reasons: 1) waking up... 2) tour at 9:30... 3) guitar lesson, and having not practiced ALL week (FUCK)... 4) having NO time to study or do work... 5) being on call so much earlier than we really need to be, come on, 6:15?? when will i eat?
the week will continue to suck because: 1) the midterm is gonna be hard and i won't be prepared enough, or rested enough... 2) i have to somehow get enough money to buy like 7 tickets to the play when all i have in my wallet is $15 and i NEED to get to a bank... 3) i have to email Franya and reschedule my midterm for Latin American Music, which is going to blow cat ass... 4) i have to do the reading assignment and write-up for that same cat-ass-blowing class and when will i do THAT?? *sigh*
i hope i can get some ass this weekend. i have one person in mind in particular. i just wished i could hang out with him during the day or earlier in the evening some time. i don't want him to be afraid of me. i wanna ask him and his friend (who i LOVE) if we can hang out the 3 of us. some time soon.
hmmm a lightbulb on mike's side just died. it had been flickering but this appears to be its end. guess i'll contact rosemary tomorrow about maintainence. hhhh'okay. night. *dies*