Title: The Unexpected Outcry
Characters: Harry/Draco, Gryffindors
Word count:100
hd100 prompt Hate
Authors Notes: minor warnings for angst,
Summary:Harry and Draco try to tell the truth bu t things go wrong in an unexpected way.
Draco had not expected them to accept or like him and he had been prepared for it. What he hadn't been prepared for was the reactions toward Harry himself that moment of seething betrayal and hatred if Draco had not used his wand and dragged Harry bodily out of the room he was sure his lover would have suffered more then bruises and a mild concussion. Harry cried himself to sleep in the hospital room bed with Draco comforting him, now watching as Harry slept fitfully he swore he's make Gryffindor see reason or suffer the consequences for their actions.