"Tell me we're not beginning the day with crammed up teenage angst are we?" -Pacey

Jun 06, 2005 21:34

I saw Casey Culp at the gym today. I haven't seen him since the end of 8th grade but I knew him since 4th.

It's ironic that I also saw Catherine (Tugg) on Saturday at the SATs. Seeing her put the biggest smile on my face. I've known her since...wow, I don't know, forever....and I miss her so much.

I sometimes wonder what it'd be like if I went to ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

_makemesmile June 8 2005, 16:19:42 UTC
Hey Jessica, they're playing crash at sunset at 4:30. Would you be able to go then? Call me. 305 283 0781


thatgermanguy June 13 2005, 01:14:14 UTC
your camera doesn't focus very well does it?


d0sedbyou June 13 2005, 02:22:03 UTC
Um the pictures were supposed to be blurry.


d0sedbyou June 13 2005, 02:22:26 UTC


thatgermanguy June 13 2005, 02:49:54 UTC
oh yeah, the emo effect. I gotchya *wink*


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