
Jun 15, 2005 13:11

I need help/advice. Okay so I let go of the whole Top Ten deal a long time ago because it's pretty much impossible and I kinda still had hope for Top 20 but who knows. I just started AP Art History online to boost up my gpa and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the course because I love Art and I love history. However, I don't think I wanna rush through ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

piinkkissezz June 16 2005, 03:56:31 UTC
drop it


piinkkissezz June 16 2005, 03:57:05 UTC
oh and i better see u friday!!


d0sedbyou June 16 2005, 14:03:44 UTC
oh you willlllll <33


gusthegreat June 16 2005, 12:26:57 UTC
hey, dont drop it

i took AP Art this year, i got a 4 or a 5 for sure

if u need help
hollaa for a dolla ;)


d0sedbyou June 16 2005, 14:03:28 UTC
I'm not worried about the exam or even the grade. And I know I'll take it in college. If it were in school, I wouldn't have a doubt about keeping it. The thing is that 1) teacher is a pain in the ass. He's already called me and I was just activated Sunday night (called me to say that I've only done 2 assignments). 2) I'm gonna have to speed through the course so I can be done 3 months earlier. 3)college application process in the fall. 4) 4 IB exams this yr. 5) I really wanna do everything I had planned this summer, which I think in the end will look better on a college application than just one more class.


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