I have all kinds of thoughts rushing through my mind.
I always tend to get depressed at this time during the summer because I feel it is coming to an end, yet there is still plenty of time. I just dread school so much. I don't mind it much once I'm there, but school has just never been my thing.
I hate it that I feel like I can't fully enjoy
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Comments 13
Last night I was turning around in bed for about an hour and a half because I couldn't fall asleep. I attribute this to not being able to stop thinking about things.
It's occurred to me before that if everyone in the world incorporated cursing into their daily language, there would be no curse words anymore. I think I might be kind of Marxist because I almost started typing an explanation based around class differences...
I did not know that they mailed the Safe DVD's, but I stand by my proposal for a premier night for the film. And we'll film it. And we'll have a red carpet. (In the absence of a red carpet, any sort of rug will suffice.)
And really, every person is complicated. The difference is whether a person cares about sorting his or her feelings out or not.
I am also enjoying Zorba. The problem is, whenever I get to one of the author's little philosophical debates, I put the book down and pace around my room thinking about it. I'm still on the third chapter.
By the way, thanks for calling me and leaving the message on friday inviting me out with you guys. Sorry I didn't get back to you. I just got back on thursday and had been awake for over 24 hours. But I'm definitely on for that Safe premiere.
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Me= Italian + Turkish + Greek + Romanian.
haha j/k j/k. Us Mediterraneans gotta stick together and feed on as much humus, wine, and grapes as possible!
It'll pass though.
I think part of it is because I need a boy. Haven't had one of those in looongggg while. ha.
Can't wait till you get back!!
Of course you can also help paint my room. You know how it's two colors right now (one on top and another on the bottom)? Well it's gonna be the same, but I'm gonna havea very light shade of purple/lavender on the bottom (VERY light), and the top in gonna be electric violet-blue splashed with fluorescents like orange, pink, yellow, green, etc.
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